
Friday, July 19, 2013

Greek, Roman and Macedonian

MAAT acquired some G/M coins in the remote past:

King Philip 2 of Macedon (Father of Alexander the Great (M7), on a bronze coin).

Octavian (nephew and heir of Gaius Julius Caesar, before his becoming Emperor of Rome).
Silver Denarius with portrait of Octavian [Augustus Caesar].

Emperor Nero (debased or undervalued silver), the Emperor of Rome who allegedly played his fiddle while Rome city burnt, to later plan a new sports stadium on its ashes.  He undervalued his currency by mixing silver with worthless alloy metal, and increasing its price (auto-deification helped).

Copyright 2013 M7C.

chinese items

MAAT has acquired some items of Chinese Culture:

(Chinese Knife and Spade "coins", a large 4" coin, and Jade "coin.")

(Chinese wooden container with inscription)

(Chinese currency with one Sycee coin/ingot, probably tarnished silver).

Copyright 2013 M7C.

Foundation deposits


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M7 2013.